Finale (Caraval #3) By Stephanie Garber [Review]

Finale (Caraval, #3)RELEASE DATE: May 07th 2019
 Stephanie Garber
Young-Adult,  Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, Romance.
PUBLISHER:  Flatiron books


Welcome, welcome to Finale, the third and final book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Caraval series! A ll games must come to an end…

It’s been two months since the last Caraval concluded, two months since the Fates were freed from an enchanted deck of cards, two months since Tella saw Legend, and two months since Legend claimed the empire’s throne as his own. Now, Legend is preparing for his official coronation and Tella is determined to stop it. She believes her own mother, who still remains in an enchanted sleep, is the rightful heir to the throne.

Meanwhile, Scarlett has started a game of her own. She’s challenged Julian and her former fiancé, Count Nicolas d’Arcy, to a competition where the winner will receive her hand in marriage. Finally, Scarlett feels as if she is in complete control over her life and future. She is unaware that her mother’s past has put her in the greatest danger of all.

Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun—with lives, empires, and hearts all at stake. There are no spectators this time: only those who will win…and those who will lose everything.




MY REV (Copy)

“He smelled Of Magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what he claimed, he to be her hero”

Finale was an exciting conclusion to the Caraval Trilogy. I’ve been waiting for this book for ages. Well, to be honest it’s not as strong as the previous installments but it was still an enjoyable read. The cover was gorgeous. Loved the drama, mystery, twists, and the romance. The story was addicting but I was slightly disappointed with the rushed ending. Sadly, there’s no magical caraval games in this book. If you’re hoping for one, then you might get disappointed.

The story picks up two months after the events in Legendary. Tella was stunned and betrayed by the revelations of the Legend. The fates who were bound in the enchanted deck of the cards are finally released. Legend claimed the empire’s throne as his one. Although she has won the Caraval, Tella hasn’t received her prize from the Legend yet. While Legend was preparing for his official coronation, Tella was waiting for her mother to wake up from her enchanted sleep. When the other fates who’re awaken starts to make havoc in the city, she makes deals with unlikely allies to save everyone. Meanwhile Scarlett has started her own game. She’s challenged Julian and her former fiancé, Count Nicolas d’Arcy, to a competition where the winner will receive her hand in marriage. She feels that she finally has the control over her life and future but she is unaware that her mother’s past has put her in the greatest danger of all.

We follow both Tella and Scarlett’s journey in this book. They both make stupid decisions especially Scarlett. I loved her in the first book but after the second book, I dropped her character from my favorite list. The way she made two men compete with each other for her seemed pretty silly. Julian was fun and charming. It’s too bad that he didn’t get much part in this book. I really enjoyed Tella’s character  even though she was a bit annoying sometimes. After feeling betrayed by Legend, she seeks help from Jacks. I loved every interaction between them. Even though she finds him attractive, she couldn’t love him because her heart belonged to legend. Legend and Jacks were both alluring characters but Jacks definitely takes the cake in this book. I felt bad for him at the end. He really deserves his own book. We’re also introduced to some interesting new characters in this finale.

The plot was entertaining filled with lots of twists and turns, magic, adventure, and a heart pounding romance. This book has three triangles which can be characterized as – the good, the bad and the ugly. The good one was of course between Legend, Tella, and Jacks. I really liked both guys and I don’t know who to root for. The bad one was the unnecessary drama  between Julian, Scarlett, and Nick. The Ugly one is a spoiler. Really loved the surprising twists and the magic. The author’s writing was lyrical and captivating. The book was written in Scarlett, and Tella’s third person POVs. I’m glad Tella got more chapters than Scarlett. The world building was amazing. I loved exploring the city of Valenda. The magic in this series never fails to fascinate me. I liked the idea of The Vanished Market. Tella makes a bargain at the fated place and there’s a possibility of spin-off.

Overall, I enjoyed this finale! Although the ending wasn’t as epic as I thought it would be, It was a satisfying ending. In the entire trilogy, my favorite book was Legendary. That book was epic! I can’t believe this series is finally over. I feel sad to say good bye to this magical journey. I really hope it’s not the end.

Recommend it?
Image result for yes gif

I highly recommend this series to people who like YA fantasy with magical Caraval theme. This series was either a hit or miss for some people but I hope you guys give it a shot.


[4/5 Stars]

So, What do you think of this book? Have you read it yet? Do you Plan to read it?
Please feel free to comment below!

See You In The Next Post and Have a Great Day! 🙂Signature

18 thoughts on “Finale (Caraval #3) By Stephanie Garber [Review]

  1. anovelglimpse May 30, 2019 / 2:31 am

    I just finished listening to Legendary recently and I am awaiting this from my library. I’m sad to hear there were no Caraval games. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  2. stephaniesbookreviews May 30, 2019 / 4:06 am

    I’m glad to hear this one ended well for you! Now that the whole series is finished, I might give it a try. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beware Of The Reader May 31, 2019 / 2:13 am

    Three triangles????? It would kill me!!! LOL Fantastic review Raven!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dani @ Perspective of a Writer May 31, 2019 / 3:58 am

    Too bad there weren’t any carnival games!! And three triangles?! WOW! I guess that was expected though?! I’m so glad this wasn’t a disappointment for you Raven! Stellar review. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raven @ Dreamy Addictions June 2, 2019 / 4:09 am

      Thank you! The Caraval games brought excitement and suspense in the series so it was a little disappointing that the finale didn’t have them. Thank you, Dani! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The Candid Cover May 31, 2019 / 5:05 pm

    I really need to give Legendary another try so that I can get to this third book. For some reason I just couldn’t get into the second book. I am glad to hear that you found the ending to be satisfying. The first book was so epic and I am happy that you loved this series so much! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Melanie (TBR and Beyond) June 3, 2019 / 9:25 am

    I did think it was as good as the others BUT there were a couple parts that I could have done without and the Julian/Scarlett/Nick thing was one major one. It seemed filler and nonsense and didn’t really have a point. I probably like Legendary the best in the series though. I love them all though overall.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raven @ Dreamy Addictions June 6, 2019 / 2:58 am

      I totally agree with you! Scarlett’s silly game was really nonsense and unnecessary! I hated that part! Legendary is my favorite book in the series too! 😁


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