Maybe This Time By Kasie West [Review]

Maybe This TimeRELEASE DATE: July 09th 2019 
Kasie West
    Young-Adult,   Contemporary, Romance.

One year. Nine events. Nine chances to . . . fall in love?

Weddings. Funerals. Barbecues. New Year’s Eve parties. Name the occasion, and Sophie Evans will be there. Well, she has to be there. Sophie works for the local florist, so she can be found at every big event in her small hometown, arranging bouquets and managing family dramas.

Enter Andrew Hart. The son of the fancy new chef in town, Andrew is suddenly required to attend all the same events as Sophie. Entitled, arrogant, preppy Andrew. Sophie just wants to get her job done and finish up her sketches so she can apply to design school. But every time she turns around, there is Andrew, getting in her way and making her life more complicated. Until one day she wonders if maybe complicated isn’t so bad after all . . .

Told over the course of one year and following Sophie from event to event, this delightful novel from master of romantic comedy Kasie West shows how love can blossom in unexpected places.


MY REV (Copy)

Kasie West’s books are either a hit or miss for me and I’m happy to say that this was a hit for me. Maybe This Time is a stand-alone YA enemies to lovers story. I wanted to give it a shot because i’m a huge fan of enemies to lovers stories. I actually didn’t expect to like it but I really did. This one was a bit less mushy than her other books. Although I’ve enjoyed it, it isn’t without its faults. The characters were pretty fun and I really liked the small town setting.

Sophie is ambitious and dreams of attending fashion designing school in New York. She works at a local florist in her small town and arranges flowers and bouquets in local events. I’ve mixed thoughts about the heroine. She was a bit judgy in the beginning which really annoyed me but It doesn’t mean that I hate her because I really enjoyed her character development. Andrew Hart is a charming guy whose dad is a famous chef. I honestly didn’t find him arrogant as the blurb specified. Sophie was pretty rude to him at the beginning just because he stole a single flower. She doesn’t like him because he’s the son of a famous chef and he’s from a big city. Every time they meet in the events they clashed with each other and I loved their banters. The romance was definitely a slow burn. The reason for the hate between them was cliched but I did enjoy watching them get closer with each event.

The plot was fun and entertaining filled with right amount of  family drama, friendship, and romance. I quite enjoyed Sophie’s relationship with her little brother and her mother. Andrew’s relationship with his father was also a great addition. He’s not completely bad but I honestly found him outright rude and arrogant. I think no one can stand him. The story was easy to predict but it was still a fun ride. The writing was amazing. The book was written in Sophie’s POV but I personally prefer dual POV’s in my romance. The small town setting was pretty good and the secondary characters were nice.

Overall, it was a good read! I would recommend this book if you’re into sweet enemies to lovers story. It’s just a light and fun read!


[4/5 Stars]

So, What do you think of this book? Have you read it yet? Do you Plan to read it?
Please feel free to comment below!

See You In The Next Post and Have a Great Day! 🙂


26 thoughts on “Maybe This Time By Kasie West [Review]

  1. stephaniesbookreviews September 23, 2019 / 1:21 am

    I love Kasie West books. This one wasn’t one of my favorites because I found the main character way too unlikable for too long. I still enjoyed it overall, though. I’m glad you did, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raven @ Dreamy Addictions September 23, 2019 / 11:33 am

      This isn’t my favorite Kasie West but I found the overall story fun to read. Well, I’m not great fan of the MC either. She was a bit annoying 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. anovelglimpse September 23, 2019 / 1:56 am

    I’m glad this one was a hit for you! Hers are mostly hits for me. This one was just okay for me. I don’t know why, but I had a hard time with the MC. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Melanie (TBR and Beyond) September 23, 2019 / 1:00 pm

    I feel like I’m always giving Kasie West books a hard time because they seem sooooo out of my comfort zone but I still have yet to read and I really should. I mean they are probably adorable – this is a great review.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raven @ Dreamy Addictions September 25, 2019 / 3:29 am

      Sometimes Kasie West’s books are too mushy for me and cliched. I’m glad this one worked out for me. I hope you enjoy it if you decide to give it a shot!


  4. Yours A-fiction-ately September 23, 2019 / 2:32 pm

    I love reading Kasie West’s books but the hit and miss thing is also experienced by me. So, I am really critical when it comes to picking up this book but after reading your great review I am really looking forward to it! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The Candid Cover September 25, 2019 / 5:59 pm

    Yay!! I am so happy that you enjoyed this one. It has such a great concept. Enemies to lovers is always a favourite trope of mine, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marie September 25, 2019 / 11:14 pm

    Wonderful review, Raven, I’m so happy to hear this one was a hit for you! I haven’t read a lot of Kasie West’s books, but they’re all on my TBR. This one sounds great, I always enjoy it when there is a bit of family drama and friendships alongside the romance 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jen September 26, 2019 / 12:59 am

    Kasie West books are a hit or miss for me too! That’s why I’ve taken a break from her. BUT this sounds like something I would adore and I love enemies to lovers. When I feel like picking up one of her books, this is probably going to be it. Wonderful review!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dani @ Perspective of a Writer September 27, 2019 / 5:43 am

    Kasie West seems like an author you read for fun! I’m glad you ultimately enjoyed this. I love when family play a big part in a romance. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate October 9, 2019 / 2:43 am

    This one looks so cute! I love that it’s an enemies to lovers and a fluffy contemporary – haven’t read those in a while 🙂 I usually prefer a single POV in these as it keeps me guessing about what goes on in the love interest’s mind and it’s super exciting! But sometimes it can get a bit frustrating too, so it depends.
    Will definitely keep an eye out for this one 🙂 Lovely review, Raven!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Raven @ Dreamy Addictions October 12, 2019 / 1:30 am

      Thank you, Sophie! This was really a cute and fun read! I agree with you on the first pov! The guessing thing will definitely keep readers interested but I still prefer second pov😁. I hope you enjoy the book if you decide to give it a shot! 😊


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